My House Diner

June 15, 2010


While on a search for brunch this Sunday, D. and I came across this little diner unexpectedly. It was clean and decorated with flowers and outdoor tables so we thought we’d give it a try…


We weren’t the only ones–as we walked in the door our friend’s M. and T. were already seated at the counter, ordering. The four of us grabbed a table and enjoyed an entirely delicious brunch. And it was cheap! D. ordered some eggs and french toast…


…while I fed on their self-proclaimed “Best Burger in Toledo”. I have to say, it was pretty great tasting burger.


The onion rings were a hit with everyone at the table. We were all amused by M.’s onion ring coffee trick.

UPDATE: My House Diner has moved… to a larger, nicer location. New address below!

My House Diner | 5042 Lewis Ave. | Just north of W. Laskey
Open Mon-Wed 6am to 8pm; Thurs-Sat 24 hours; Sun till 8pm

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