July 23, 2008
I’m a big fan of slides and a bigger fan of big slides.
But I’m not such a fan of precarious heights… like those of a carnival ferris wheel. I was near tears on this one. Notice the pigeon toes vs. the confident placement of my toes in the former picture.
Yet there was plenty to see outside of rides, like the Chainsaw Massacre…
and a very large cow.
We missed the “Buffo — The Worlds Strongest Clown Show”. But really, does the world need a “strongest clown”?
I found the little piglets very amazing. I had no idea they played like puppies… and have a newfound respect for people who keep pigs as pets.
I talked myself into another scary (for me!) ride. D. had a lot of fun on this one.
It was a good time. This mild summer is getting high scores in my book.
Lucas County Fair | 1406 Key Street | Maumee
Tags: lucas county fair
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